Ontdek onze selectie hotels in Jacksonville met Spa

Ontdek gastenbeoordelingen van hotels in Jacksonville

Best Western Jacksonville Inn
4.2/579 Beoordelingen
I can count on one hand the times that I have reviewed a business in my 42 years, and I certainly have never reviewed a hotel/motel...wether I was happy with the service or not. This time, I feel I must. Please bear with me. I am writing this review after many hours on the road while the details are fresh. It is easy and far too common to cast a negative light on someone or something from behind a computer or phone, but rarely do we take the time to recognize something special. Let me tell you about this little gem in Jacksonville. Having driven nearly non stop from northwestern Montana in challenging and stressing winter weather, I had my home in sight just under four hours away in Southwest Louisiana. About 30 miles outside of Jacksonville, Texas, I just couldn't take it anymore. What finished me off was the absolute disaster that is the Dallas/Fort Worth demolition derby. You may know it as Interstate 35, 20, 635, and so on. This was no less than three and a half hours of stroke-level butt clenching to get from one end of that hellscape to the other. When I realized that it was too unsafe for me to continue, I began looking online for a place to stay. Full disclosure, I chose Best Western of Jacksonville, TX because of the ”not seedy” abodes in the City, Best Western had the most competitive rate. Hey, I'm alone...so I don't need all of the fancy amenities . Did I spell ”amenities” correctly? Needless to say I arrived very tired. I just wanted to check in and go to bed. Nothing else. I arrived to find a parking lot that was well lit and free of garbage. Also free of unidentified persons hanging out in the shadows holding a paper bag shaped suspiciously like a bottle. That was important to me. My work requires me to be many miles away from home, sometimes months at a time. That means that I pull a trailer, and the wares of my trade, my hobbies, my tools...they all go with me. Security is very important. When I walked in, I must admit that I was surprised to find the front desk clerk actually at the front desk. I was very late. I am sure that many of you are accustomed to walking in and standing at the front desk while you wait for someone to appear from around a mysterious door, or put down a phone that is probably open to FB or IG. To be clear there is nothing wrong with that, I would do the same if I sat for hours at times with no customer interaction. However, this lady was at the desk and waiting for me, late as the hour was. She was very courteous. She even laughed at my clumsy attempts at humor, which I invented to try to meet her lovely demeanor with something other than ”When is check-out?” I asked if it were possible to get a room on the bottom floor, facing the parking lot where I would park my truck and trailer. I had to follow up that request with, ”Ma'am is there anywhere that I can park that will not take up too much space and allow me to see my vehicle?” She did me one better. She told me

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Lokale reisinformatie

Aantal hotels1
Aantal beoordelingen79
Hoogste prijsHK$ 1.964
Laagste prijsHK$ 728
Gemiddelde prijs (op weekdagen)HK$ 1.060
Gemiddelde prijs (in het weekend)HK$ 1.134